Peninsula School Feeding Association

News & Events

Why Top Billing presenter, Jade Hubner will be walking Blisters for Bread 2015

Posted on June 23rd, 2015 by Charles Grey

  • Food Security: By providing much needed meals, strain on families to provide additional nutritious food is reduced.
  • Nutrition: Eating at school is shown to increase the nutritional status of young children.
  • Education: School feeding helps improve children’s educational profile by increasing school attendance and marks. It is shown to decrease drop-out rates and improves cognitive abilities, concentration and achievements.
  • Health: A child that eats a balanced meal is less likely to suffer from illness related to malnutrition and this takes strain off the health system and the tax payer.
  • Gender Equality: Studies show in certain cases, girls have to help with household chores and care work. School feeding takes strain off the household and allows them to stay in school.
  • Strengthening our Economy: By feeding children and keeping them in school, it improves the chances of them entering the tertiary educational system which in turn feeds the job market and strengthens our economy.
  • Nurturing futures: By nurturing children though school feeding, it not only helps to build children from a physiological point of view, but it helps to build them up in life emotionally and psychologically.
  • The entry fee for Blisters for Bread this year is R50 which will feed 25 hungry school children for an entire day. Entries are now open and are limited to 12 000 walkers. Enter online or download a copy of the entry form on the PSFA website. Entry forms can also be collected and dropped off at the Top Events offices (7 Koeberg rd, Maitland) or from the following Sportsmans Warehouse branches: Rondebosch, Sea Point, Tyger Valley and Canal Walk. If you are unable to walk Blisters for Bread this year, then PSFA encourages both Cape Town locals and the rest South Africa’s public, and businesses and schools to consider making a monetary contribution. This can be done by logging onto their website All donations will be used solely for school feeding and are tax-deductible. Hospitality packages are available for schools and corporates. For enquiries, contact Charles Grey at PSFA on 021 447 6020.]]>

    Contact Information

    Phone: +27 (21) 447 6020
    Physical Address: 26 Purdey Road, Sheffield Business Park, Philippi, 7750
    Postal Address: PO Box 154, Observatory 7935

    Banking Details

    Account Name: Peninsula School Feeding Association
    Bank: Standard Bank of South Africa Limited
    Account Number: 070894159
    Account Type: Cheque Account
    Branch Code: 020909
    Branch Name: Thibault Square
    Swift Code: SBZAZAJJ
    Physical address: First Floor, Thibault Square Branch, Corner of Hans Strijdom Street and Long Street, Cape Town, 8001