Golden Key Society UCT 2017 raises and donates R16 150 to feed learners at Surrey Primary
Posted on November 8th, 2017 by Charles Grey
Surrey Primary School, Emma Sham, fundraising director of the Golden Key International Honours Society, UCT Chapter, presented our fundraising manager, Charles Grey with cheque in the amount of R16 150. This amount which will enable PSFA to provide a class of 36 underprivileged learners at this school with nutritious daily meals for an entire year, was raised by the members of Golden Key UCT who organised the following fundraising events on our behalf during 2017:
- Eat a Burger Feed a Child at the Golden Arrow Spur in Newlands on April 4. The members of the Golden Key Society UCT worked as waitrons. This Spur donated 10% of its evening’s turnover and R1 800 was raised.
- Pub Quiz for UCT students on June 8 – this was an extremely well-supported event raising R3 200.
- Concert at Trenchtown in Observatory on September 22 – this was the biggest event for the year featuring two bands, Dom Chaung and Mobbing Bali as well as a soloist, Cuan Robertson, who all kindly performed for free – thank you! The concert raised a whopping R4 000 from door takings.
- Proceeds from the sale of Golden Key Society branded hoodies – the members have been selling these popular hoodies throughout the year and managed to raise a fantastic R7 150.